Tag Archives: retro knitting pattern

The Week Ahead – Knitting Heirlooms

19 Aug

I’ve been a busy bee lately – doing some overtime and earning extra pennies for my house fund. Which is great, but it just means that I don’t have much crafty news to give you.

I finally finished my twisted rib scarf and I’ll get around to blocking and listing it in my shop shortly. I’ve since moved on to a lacy number. I haven’t knitted a lace scarf 2013-08-18 20.51.02before so I’m starting off with a simple stitch which should show off the lovely variegated pinky purple yarn I’m using.

However, the last week hasn’t been all work and no play. My Grandad has been having a clearout and discovered a whole load of my Gran’s old knitting things which he has kindly passed on to me.  They include a lovely knitting bag, a selection of knitting needles, wool, a tobacco tin full of cute buttons and a vast selection of knitting patterns.  I also discovered a copy of Woman’s Weekly dating back to 1979!

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I’m pretty sure my mum used to have this hairstyle…

I’m looking forward to putting these things to good use.  There’s a great selection of wool and I just love the retro style knitting bag.  It’s not only practical but I’ll treasure it for years to come.

In browsing through the patterns I also discovered this hand annotated pattern for an “Easy and Quick Summer Top”.  2013-08-18 20.34.28Feel free to make use of it.  There aren’t any photos included so I have no idea what it looks like!  If you do decide to give it a go, please share your results!

I’m not expecting to do much knitting this week – I’ve got more overtime lined up at work and still trying to be good and go to the gym now and again.  (I’m not complaining at all – this extra money is getting me a step closer to buying my own house!)

I’ll hopefully have more work in progress to show you next week…until then, happy retro knitting!