Moving Day…

26 Mar

Moving day is fast approaching and my little bungalow is now a sea of boxes and bin bags!  Given the mess I am currently living in I’ve decided it would be best to put both my Etsy and Folksy shops on holiday.  This is something I’ve never done with my Etsy shop before – I’ve heard horror stories about it taking weeks or even months for traffic to pick up again once you reopen your shop.   However, this time of year is always quiet for me so this will give me the perfect opportunity to reopen once I’ve unpacked all of my boxes and take my time at streamlining things a bit.

Closed Sign in YellowstoneI’m also planning to finally change my shop name at the beginning of May so maybe less traffic in the meantime isn’t the end of the world!

I’ll probably be off the radar for the next week – my internet doesn’t get connected until next Wednesday so I’ll be relying on my phone signal until then!  I will however be snapping away so that I can create those promised ‘before and after’ posts… so stay tuned!

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